BehindTheTalk Course #4

Speaking Styles & Owning Your Venue

Here there will be a major focus on developing your unique speaking style. You will discover the power of presenting with visual aids, moving beyond just reading them and learning how to use them effectively to enhance your message. We will also dive into the physical aspects of speaking and performance, including body language, voice, and movement. You will better understand using your body and voice to communicate your message with confidence, impact, and authority.

Course curriculum

    1. Visual Aids

    2. Powerpoint Litmus Test

    3. Tips and Tricks to Powerpoint

    4. Enhancing Your Powerpoint

    5. How Much is Enough?

    1. Stagecraft

    2. Engaging Your Audience

    3. Understanding Our Eyes

    4. Creative Engagement Techniques

    5. Microphones: Are They Friend or Foe?

    1. The "It" Factor

    2. Developing Your "It" Factor

    3. Controlling Your Space and Movement

    4. The Time Space Continuum

    5. "The World is But a Stage"

    1. Let The Games Slow Down

    2. Be of Service

    3. Other Ideas For Being of Service

    4. Being There For Your Audience

    5. Being Vulnerable

    6. More on Vulnerability

    1. Have a Conversation

    2. Why Non-verbal Communication is Important

    3. Understanding The Non-verbal Communication

    4. Non-verbal Buying Signals

    1. Be The Real You

    2. Emotion In The Workplace

    3. Emotion ~ This is The Key

    4. Being Remembered

About this course

  • $99.00
  • 38 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content

Think Like An Actor

Learn the Performance Secrets of Hollywood Actors for YOUR Presentation.